Annual Report on Responsible Drinking Initiatives (RDIs) published
Brussels, 29 April 2022 – Today, spiritsEUROPE, the European association representing distillers and producers of spirit drinks, published its Annual Report entitled Best Practices to Promote Responsible Drinking – Highlights of Relevant Projects & Activities.
The Report contains an overview of work delivered by the sector in 2021 at local level to promote responsible drinking and help reduce alcohol-related harm. Last year, 72 initiatives focusing on six harm-reduction areas were implemented in 21 different countries.
“With our Responsible Drinking Initiatives, we want to help shape a social environment that supports balanced lifestyles, taking action in areas such as improved consumer information, highest sectorial standards for marketing communications, or in raising awareness about the do’s and don’ts of moderate consumption”, said Manu Giró, President of spiritsEUROPE.
“It is extremely encouraging to see that, in recent years, positive changes in favour of responsible drinking are happening across Europe, with heavy episodic drinking, drink-driving, or underage drinking broadly on the decline. This suggests that targeted harm reduction efforts can and do work. This is both an inspiration and motivation for us to continue and refine our efforts with local partners in the future”, added Ulrich Adam, Director General of spiritsEUROPE.
As part of the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices, which was launched by the European Commission in June 2021, spiritsEUROPE has pledged to coordinate and implement responsible drinking initiatives in all EU Member States in all official EU languages by 2030.
Full report available here.
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